Google 用户
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We keep improving INKredible PRO and will gradually integrate many note-taking solutions into it.
Google 用户
12.29更新后,橡皮擦功能出现bug(设备samsung note9) 选取橡皮擦后,自动瞬间切回到画笔,目前只能使用手指涂抹擦除功能,请尽快修复此bug the last update vision had a fatal bug:(device:samsung note9) can't choose the eraser to erasure the paint
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We've released a new update today, which will fix the bug you mentioned above. Pls. upgrade your app.
We keep improving INKredible PRO and will gradually integrate many note-taking solutions into it.
Google 用户
感谢开发如此美妙的app,我使用了几天,斗胆提一些意见 1.手写笔模式下,提供选择单个手指拖动页面或橡皮擦等功能 2.橡皮擦提供划一下擦除上一步的选项(类似OneNote的默认橡皮擦) 3.荧光记号笔笔型,单独开一栏好了(划掉,新版本有了,谢谢!) 4.键盘输入模式对齐方式 5.键盘输入模式下划线功能 6.插入长方形 正方形 圆形等形状 7.插入表格 8.插入待办事项方框 9.插入绘图表格子底纸的功能 10.创建pdf笔记本后缩放pdf功能,想在旁边空白处写笔记 11.在已有笔记中插入指定的pdf页 12.创建指定pdf页的笔记本 13.纸无限长度/大小模式 14.导入pdf可选择原来pdf中文字图片 15.超链接功能 16.导出至onenote功能 17.手写笔模式下也可以使用双指缩放 18.在一张无限纸下插入多张pdf的指定页 总之希望改进导入pdf相关功能与键盘输入相关功能 再次感谢!
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We keep improving INKredible PRO and will gradually integrate many note-taking solutions into it.